Sound Blending Activities with Early-Developing Phonemes (for literacy or speech)

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Early Blending for Literacy:

Say two-syllable words by breaking the syllables apart.  Then, have two-four picture choices in front of the child and have him point to the one you said (You say “pu….ppy” and the child points to the puppy).  If the child can’t do this, go down to only having one picture choice in front of him.  Use two-syllable words with early-developing sounds.

Level Two Blending for Literacy:

Break two-sound words into their two sounds and have the child point to the picture you are saying (or say it back to you).  (You say “b…ow” and the child points to the bow).  Use early-developing sounds.

Early Blending for Speech Sound Production:

Start with CV or VC words with early-developing sounds.  Write the letters beneath the word and help the child practice each sound of the word separately.  Then, help the child combine those two sounds together.

If the child is having trouble, try having the child repeat a similar word that he can already say and then add the new word to the end.  Example: “no, no, no, bow” or “bee, bee, bee, bow”.

Materials Library Resources:

CV, VC, CVC Worksheets

Phonological Awareness Worksheets