Differences Between Neurogenic/Acquired Stuttering and Developmental Stuttering

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Differences in Symptoms:

  • Neurogenic stuttering may occur at any point in the production of a word, rather than primarily at the beginning, as is common with developmental stuttering.
  • Neurogenic stuttering often occurs on any type or class of word anywhere in a sentence rather than being linked to content words such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
  • Neurogenic stuttering may occur in any type of vocal behavior, including singing and repeating well-learned passages, such as the pledge of allegiance. The disfluencies may occur with equal frequency in any type of a speaking situation.
  • Neurogenic stuttering is often not alleviated by the same conditions that significantly lessen developmental stuttering. These include choral reading, singing, adaptation (repeated oral reading of the same passage) or speaking while under auditory masking or delayed auditory feedback.


These treatments work for neurogenic as well as developmental:

  • Slowing speech rate (saying fewer words on each breath by increasing the duration of the sounds and words).
  • Emphasizing a gentle onset of the start of each phrase (starting from a relaxed posture of the speech muscles, beginning with adequate respiratory support, a slow and easy initiation of the exhalation and gentle onset of the first sound).
  • Emphasizing a smooth flow of speech production and use of relaxed posture, both in terms of general body posture and for specific speech production muscles.
  • Identifying the disruptions in the speech patterns and instructing the client in the use of more appropriate patterns.
  • Addressing emotional or psychological impairments
  • Addressing other communication problems

Additional treatment options:

  • Treating the medical causes of the stuttering
  • Educating families and caregivers to use strategies like simplifying one’s speech, allowing more time for response, modeling slow, easy speaking patterns, and, in general, reducing communication demands and expectations.


Source: http://www.stutteringhelp.org/neurogenic-stuttering