How to Ensure the Success of your Home Program or Long Distance Therapy

Resouce Types:

Summary of Steps:

  1. Try techniques with the child in person if possible.  If not, collect as much info as possible from the parents and take an educated guess about what strategy to start with.
  2. Record a video of yourself doing the technique and explain it to the parent.  Be sure to use language the parents can understand.  If possible, use the child in your video.  If the child is not available, use a stand-in or stuffed animal.
  3. Have the parents watch the video and ask you questions about it.
  4. Have parents tell you back what they will do in their own words.  Make sure to talk about how often and when this will be done.
  5. Have the parents record a video of themselves doing the technique at home and send it to you.  Review the video.
  6. Praise the parents first and then give constructive feedback on what they can improve with the technique.
  7. If no progress, see in office again or try a different technique.  Use the same process.