Goal Ideas for an Unintelligible Child with Apraxia of Speech

Age Group:
Resouce Types:


Possible Targets:

Speech Sound Development:

  • If the child can’t imitate anything: By the end of the reporting period, Student will imitate non-speech actions with 80% accuracy on 3 of 4 data collection days.
  • If the child can imitate actions but not sounds: By the end of the reporting period, Student will imitate 10 different sound effects or noises with his mouth on 3 of 4 data collection days.
  • If the child can imitate sounds but not words: By the end of the reporting period, Student will imitate 10 different consonant-vowel (CV) and 5 different vowel-consonant (VC) words on 3 of 4 data collection days.

Language Development:

  • Student will vocalize/use his voice (along with any other communication means) to respond to greetings on 3 of 4 observed opportunities.
  • Student will vocalize/use his voice (along with any other communication means) to indicate that he wants something on 3 of 4 observed opportunities.

AAC Use:

  • Student will use any form of language (spoken, sign language, or an AAC device/system) to make a choice between two different items.

Prosody Development:

  • Student will point to “high” or “low” to indicate the pitch of the therapist’s voice during structured therapy activities with 75% accuracy (with additional cues and prompts from the therapist as necessary).