How to Engage Resistant Parents/Families

Resouce Types:

  1. Ask them about their concerns and priorities
  2. Try to incorporate their priorities into therapy if possible to show them that you’re working with them, not against them
  3. Make sure they understand what you’re working on and why it’s important
  4. Explain to them the importance of working with their child and what’s in it for the child (faster progress in therapy so missing less class time or paying for fewer sessions, improved confidence, etc.)
  5. Send VERY simple assignments at first to get them used to doing it.  These should take no more than a few minutes to complete (simple worksheet, list of words to read, etc.)
  6. Send text message or email updates with some positive and something that the child needs to improve on
  7. Ask the parents frequently about if they’re able to work on skills at home and get feedback about what’s working or what’s not working.  Ask them what the challenges are.
  8. Offer rewards to the child for bringing back completed or signed homework