How to Transition from Play Therapy to Direct Therapy in Young Children

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Strategies to Try:

  • During play, withhold what the child wants and have him do one trial of a task before getting it.  Start with these spread out and gradually include more
  • Control all of the pieces to something during play and make the child ask for each item before you give it to him
  • Control all of the pieces to something during play and make the child do a specific task before getting each one
  • Play games that have specific turns and subtly work specific speech/language tasks into the turn (like saying a word or phrase before you spin the spinner or saying a word repeatedly as you hop across the room to retrieve your piece)
  • Tape artic cards or other cards/words to blocks or pieces of a toy/game and talk about each one as you turn it over or find it
  • Hide artic cards or small objects in a tub of beans or other sensory material
  • Tape artic cards to small objects to the wall in a dark room and have the child search for the words using a flashlight and talk about them as you find them
  • Bring out an activity where all of the toys start with a target sound and have the child say the words to request each toy or part of the activity