Overview of Therapy for Children with Autism

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ASHA’s Summary of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Autism


Provide services in these 3 areas:

  1. Functional, Spontaneous Communication
    • AAC has been associated with improved speech, language, and social skills in children with autism
    • If having trouble with getting spontaneous communication, try Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
    • Use natural environment with various communication partners
    • Increase the number of things that the child can communicate
    • Start with requesting and add other types of communication, like greetings and questions
  2. Social Instruction in Various Settings Throughout the Day
    • Visual supports for socially acceptable behavior: what should the child do and say as well as how should the child listen and attend
    • Use social scripts, social stories, and video modeling
    • Use natural environment
  3. Play Skills with a Focus on Peer Interactions
    • Lower children: how to do pretend play, take turns, share toys, etc.
    • Higher children: conversational skills, topic maintenance, cooperative play, initiating play, reading body language, etc.