Retelling Past Events

Categories: / / /
Age Group: /
Resouce Types:

1. Answer questions about past events

  • Start with things that just happened and work your way back to further and further events

2. Backward chain a sequence of steps in a past event

  • Tell her the first several steps and then have her tell you the last one
  • Gradually have the child say more and more of the steps in the event

3. Use picture cues to help the child tell all steps in a past event

  • Have the student put the pictures in order first, then use them to tell the steps

4. Cover up picture cues and reveal only if student needs help

  • Have student put the pictures in order and then cover them up.  Have the student tell the steps to the event in order and reveal any pictures that the student gets stuck on

5. Have student tell steps to a past event in order without using pictures.