When Your Fish Become /ffffpish/

Categories: / /
Age Group: /
Resouce Types:

  • Practice the sound in isolation and then work up to syllables (start with the consonant and then “uh” and gradually work on changing the vowel)
  • Practice the last part of the word (without the target sound) first and then slowly add the beginning sound
  • Practice the target sound with a pause and then the rest of the word
  • Add an /h/ to the beginning of the rest of the word and then add the target sound back on (hish….fffffhish).  Gradually fade out the /h/.
  • Say the target sound plus the first vowel of the word and gradually add on the other sounds to the word (fffih….ffffish)
  • If you can, start with words that contain both sounds, like /st/ blends for example.
  • Use tactile feedback (have the child put their finger on their bottom lip and make it so they don’t feel their top lip come down)
  • Take a break and come back to it or try working on a similar sound (like another fricative)